Saturday, March 15, 2014

what the heck kinda blog is this?

Let me start off by saying that I decided to write this blog for the follow reasons:

1.  Since I have been pregnant I am overly lazy and no longer cook for my baby daddy, therefore I have nothing to write about on my other blog Food 4 your Dude (shout out!)

2.  I have seen a medium and a psychic and both said I need to write, so the only thing in my life right now are work, my dogs and getting fat.. I mean growing a baby bump

And there you have it.. the reason boobs, bumps and babies has been born!

Whether or not you have kids or not..  let me tell you- women are NOT honest!  I know, you think these gals are your friend and when they get pregnant with their first before you they are so excited and happy and their life is perfect.  My response to that is 1) your either a really lucky bitch or 2) your a lying bitch.  I mean that in the nicest way possible!  Every pregnancy is different and mine has not been glamourous or fabulous or easy.. mine has downright SUCKED!

Why you ask?  Here are a few reasons:

1.  My hips widen the minute I became pregnant.  I literally had um maybe 2 weeks of wearing my normal size pants when I immediately had to switch to legging

2.  I was nauseous from the minute I woke up until the minute I went to bed.  I truly think it would have been better had I thrown up every day, as I think I would have felt so much better AND it would have helped with the weight gain

3.  Cheeseburgers are not your friend and they will make you fat.  Yes the thought of a vegetable made me cringe.  I juiced as much as possible but my daily meal was cheeseburger and fries.  Needless to say I am huge and I am only 21 weeks.

4.  I have never felt so exhausted in my life and am now on prescription iron pills that cost $50 a month..  Thanks baby Sophia!

5.  FYI Destination Maternity DOES NOT have good lighting in the fitting rooms.  If you want to feel really depressed about yourself, go and try on clothes.  Warning you may sit in the corner and sob!  Gosh I am HUGE

5.  Stroller and Car Seat shopping.. enough said.. oy!

There are some good things to being pregnant…  they are… hmm…

1.  I get to cuddle with my furkids way more now, because I'm too exhausted to do anything else

2.  My baby daddy does so much for me.. I really am so lucky to have such a great man!  He will be the best dad ever!

3.  Decorating the nursery is super fun!  (Registering is not so much fun)

4.  I will get 12 weeks off of work starting in July and still get $$!  Yay!!

I will leave my first post at that.. hopefully you will come back for more and I would love to read your comments!  All I ask is that you keep it clean and be nice (this isn't a competition)!